13 leads in 30 days
for a senior living placement agency
Kendra is an independent senior living placement specialist.
Having seen our success story from another client in the same industry, she was convinced that Leads ‘N Gin can help her stabilize and eventually scale her income beyond referrals.
Within the 1st month, she had 1-2 leads landing in her inbox every few days.
Noni's Senior Living Placement's Challenge
When asked about her monthly income, it was not easy for her to pin it down to a number, despite being satisfied with how her business was doing. Her income fluctuated so much from month to month.
She was totally reliant on referrals coming from word of mouth.
Why Kendra Chose To Work With Leads 'N Gin
After our discovery session, she understood that to scale things up she needed to take a calculated risk, i.e. make an investment in her business leveraging marketing done right.
We were promising 5 qualified leads per month. She could close 40% (2 out of 5) of them she told us.
With 2 additional monthly clients, she can already boost her income by 30-50%.
She realized she could create passive income for herself by passing on any excess leads resulting from the new campaign to someone else in her area and get paid a commission.
None of this was possible in her 4 years of experience.
How Leads 'N Gin Responded
90-minute kickoff call was scheduled where we dove in deep into her sales process, her customers, their challenges, what gets them to work with her.
Technical details were swiftly addressed too. E.g.: gaining access to the facebook business account, creating the ad account, and installing a tracking code – key to helping her track every single transaction as well as remarketing to people who visited but did not convert for whatever reason.
3 days after the kickoff, creatives like images and videos were created and campaigns launched on the same day once she approved the work.
The Results
1st leads came in within a week. Not very common but not a total surprise either with advertising that is relatable to adult children’s challenges and hopes when looking for senior living options for their parents.
30 days later, 13 leads were in. More than half were qualified. Kendra has at the time of writing converted 2 of them to paying clients (so far).
Besides her usual word of mouth customers, Kendra is now supplementing (probably overcoming) her referrals with predictable, additional clients.
She’s never been closer to achieving her revenue goals and, finally, scaling her business.
P.S.: Noni’s senior living placement is still a client of ours to this day.